SMART BLADE™ Casing Brush have solid and robust Brush sleeves assembly and centralizers to give better cutting travel path as well as annular velocity.
SMART BLADE™ Non-rotating Casing Brush design with high performance alloy bearings compatible with high temperature and chemical applications.
Rotating mandrel with Non- rotating Casing brush sleeve and centralizers. Available with all API connections and upon request premium drill pipe connections also available.
SMART BLADE™ COMBO Tool have solid and robust scraper and Brush sleeves assembly on same mandrel and centralizers to give better cutting travel path as well as annular velocity.
Non rotating scraper & Brush design with high performance alloy bearings compatible with high temperature and chemical applications.
Integral watermelon mill with crushed carbide blades to remove cement as well as perforation burs.
Rotating mandrel with Non rotating scraper sleeve, Non rotating Casing brush and centralizers.
Available with all API connections, upon request premium drill pipe connections also available.
SMART BLADE™ Scraper Mill have solid and robust scraper sleeves assembly and centralizers to give better cutting travel path as well as annular velocity. Non rotating scraper design with high performance alloy bearings compatible with high temperature and chemical applications.
Integral watermelon mill with crushed carbide blades to remove cement as well as perforation burs.
Rotating mandrel with Non rotating scraper sleeve and centralizers. Available with all API connections andupon request premium drill pipe connections also available.
SMART BLADE™ Slim Hole Scraper have solid and robust scraper sleeves assembly on same mandrel with Pineapple design centralizers will give better cutting travel path as well as annular velocity.
Non-rotating scraper design with high performance alloy bearings compatible with high temperature and chemical applications.
Pineapple design non-rotating centralizer will remove heavy scales, cement bridges as well as perforation burs.
Rotating mandrel with Non-rotating scraper sleeve and Nonrotating centralizers.
Available with all API connections,upon request provided with Thru Tubing tools special connections
The SMART MAG™ Heavy Duty Non-Rotating String Magnet have solid and robust non rotating steel sleeves assembly and connected with non-rotating centralizers.
SMART MAG™ Heavy Duty Non-Rotating String Magnet can handle high temperature ratings as well as higher coercivity.
Magnet sleeve designed for large fluid bypass and give better cutting travel path to improve annular velocity.
Non rotating magnet sleeve and stabilizers along with rotating heavy-duty mandrel.
Large magnetic area will collect more ferrous material from wellbore.
Non rotating string magnet design with high performance alloy bearings compatible with high temperature and chemical applications.
Tool available with all API connections and upon request premium drill pipe connections also available.
The SMART MAG™ Heavy Duty Rotating String Magnet have fixed permanent stabilizer on both ends to agitate the cuttings and lift from low side.
SMART MAG™ Heavy Duty Rotating String Magnet can handle high temperature ratings as well as higher coercivity.
Magnet Body designed for large fluid bypass and give better cutting travel path to improve annular velocity.
Rotating magnet has heavy-duty body with dodecagon shape. Large magnetic area will collect
Large volume of ferrous material from wellbore Rotating string magnet design for heavy metal cuttings carrier as well as high temperature and chemical applications.
Tool available with all API connections and upon request premium drill pipe connections also available.